
FHM (E-Magazine)

FHM is a British monthly men's lifestyle magazine. It contains popular features such as the FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World.

he magazine began publication in 1985 in the United Kingdom under the name For Him Magazine and changed its title to FHM in 1994 when Emap Consumer Media bought the magazine, although the full For Him Magazinecontinues to be printed on the spine of each issue.
Circulation expanded to newsagents as a quarterly by the spring of 1987. It then went monthly and changed its name to FHM in 1994. It subsequently dominated the men's market and began to expand internationally.
FHM was sold as part of the publishing company sale, from EMAP to German company Bauer Media Group in February 2008.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Food for thought:

    Why is a girl okay to be seen in a bikini, but not in Bra and panties.

    Okay. now put that logic in that Magazine of yours.

    Nope. No answer there.

  3. Has anyone ever accused this magazine of being sexist?

    Because i feel very offended, as a girl, to see a very sexy lady on the cover of a magazine entitled 'for him'. I see this as objectifying a woman for the pleasures of men.

    1. Yeah you go girl!
      From yours truly...

      nip nip but, nip but, nip nip but.

    2. I find your username absolutely degrading and offensive.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Kau ni bodo ke ape?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why is such magazine "was sold as part of publishing company sale"... Indirectly telling me that man willing to pay money for useless magazines

  5. Why is such magazine "was sold as part of publishing company sale"... Indirectly telling me that man willing to pay money for useless magazines

  6. I absolutely agree with chloe, why should women be mens entertainment? We are as equal as them and i believe we deserve the same amount of respect as they do

  7. Yea I dont think women should be used as an entertainment for men.

  8. Feminism is something women fought after. Its a defence mechanism.
    The magazine wouldn't last that long if there is no audience. Women shouldn't be an entertainment for men. Its not the magazine's problem. Its the mentality of human that should learn to respect the other sex.

  9. I agree with these people women should be an entertainment what more in men magazines. People will continue to produce more of these magazines and soon accepting it as a norm or a need. Women should not be portrayed in this manner.

  10. Anonymous05:48

    firstly, its shouldn't*

    Honestly, i don't see whats wrong with men reading this kind magazine.

  11. Curious question: To be honest, if you had a daughter would you allow her to be feature on fhm?

  12. Anonymous05:56

    That honestly depends on her, but I obviously wouldn't let her

  13. In your mind, you already have the most obvious answer. You wouldn't let your daughter to be exploit in the men's mindset, but what makes you think is okay for other girl's body?

  14. Lycan, i think its just not right using women as sex figure. If magazines like these use sexy models all the time, then the society will expect all women to be sexy.

  15. Anonymous06:04

    Charmaine, the thing is, these women choose this path and obviously no one force them to. They had all in their own will to not be in the magazine but instead, they choose to be in it. You ask me whether I allow my daughter to be in it, its only normal that I will say no.

  16. and if you agree with charmaine, why would you think its okay to read this kind of magazines?

  17. Anonymous06:07

    Sam, honestly i don't see how they're being portrayed as being sex figure in this magazine. Its all in the mindset, you can't say society just because of one magazine.

  18. Anonymous06:08

    Because like how i replied her earlier, these women choose to be where they wanna be. No one force them too, if they think its okay to be in it, i don't see whats wrong reading it then. Unless of course i force them to be in it then thats a different story.

  19. but we should not encourage them to join this field. i know we dont force them into this but if we keep buying these magazines, they will think that people like it and they will continue doing it.

  20. Yea, I agree with Samantha.

  21. Anonymous06:22

    I'm pretty sure you can't stop everyone from buying this. Anyway you can't blame them even if they do, us buying this does not necessarily mean we're encouraging them to join this field, and i think its only normal if we read magazines like that, common, I'm a man myself and i think its only normal we read it. If we don't, society condemn us as being gay or what not.

  22. You see, there's more than just one problem here. The first one is obvious, it's that more and more girls are being objectified by being all sexy for the sake of men's entertainment.

    Secondly, it's girls being okay with it. You might say that it's the girl's choice and if she's okay with it, we should let her be. Then comes the question, what if she's not okay with it but sees it as an easy way to make money ? Should humanity or a girl's dignity be suppressed to forms like these ?
    The more important question, why is she okay with it? She desires attention, she wants the fame? If a girl has to build her worth or value in selling herself as an object, isn't that something very, very wrong ?

  23. And to be fair, I don't think guys should pose half naked on a girl's entertainment magazine, too.

  24. that is when you can stand up for them and maybe for yourself. dont reading magazines like this does not make you gay if you want to help reduce these productions. we should stop thinking what society think of us if it is the right thing to do.

  25. Why do you think only reading this kind of magazine will make people think you're normal? Or else they judge?

  26. these magazines sure are making money from these women, imagine if they take off the women, their sales will drop. we should not use women to earn money or least in this manner.

  27. i totally agree with chloe.

  28. Honestly, being able to stand up for women is way manlier. You shouldn't be afraid to be condemned for not reading it. However you should be ashamed for not realizing how much damange seeing girls as entertainment is, you should also be ashamed of not being able to stand up for the things you believe in because you're afraid of being condemned.

  29. Anonymous06:47

    Fair point being stated here. Maybe you're right, i shouldn't be afraid of standing for what is right. Then again, theres never an ending for this issue. Society is shape into believing all of it is okay when its not. I rest my case here, thanks chloe, samantha and charmaine for pointing out that fact to me. I'll reconsider my thoughts and saying in the future, you girls have a goodnight.

  30. parents should educated to their daughter about the path they should choose .. if they still insist to choose this career there's no one to blame then

  31. If the female population is allowed to buy magazines that contain half naked images of male models and famous male figures to oggle over, the men should also be allowed to do the same. To be fair, the magazine companies get consent and permission from these female parts in question so they cannot be blamed and ridiculed for doing so.
